Giselle Wyers
Giselle Wyers is the Donald E. Petersen Professor of Choral Studies at University of Washington, where she conducts the award-winning University of Washington Chorale and teaches courses in choral conducting and music education while maintaining an active schedule as a guest conductor in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Her diverse catalog—almost exclusively of commissions—for chorus, orchestra, wind ensemble, chamber music forces and solo song include 36 discrete
works, including a 30-minute cycle entitled And All Shall Be Well for choir, strings and piano that enjoyed a Carnegie Hall performance in 2022. Wyers’ compositions will be featured in the GIA publication Women Choral Composers, forthcoming early 2025. She has served as a judge in many composition competitions including the American Prize, and her Ave Maria won first prize in the Cambridge Chamber Singers’ International Choral Composition Competition.

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